Welcome to Talent Gallery show experience!

You just found a unique entertainment experience generated from our amazing troupe of talents to you and your guests. You will have a lot of memories..

Your event is the inspiration for our artistic production.

We will create your own  “Talent Gallery show Experience” where you will find personalized entertainment all around your party

Choreographed & personalized show

We get inspired on your event to create a choreographed show that will represent you. The inspiration may be focus on a guest of honor, a brand, a celebration, a thematic, etc. We open to make real your requesting. 

Our personalized shows are the most original kind of interventions on private and corporative events.

Interactive Show

We will create the perfect and personalized environment on your event trough our amazing talents.

As interactive shows we can offer: Circus performers (magicians, acrobats, zanquees, jiggles, ula ula). Fire Performers. Freestyle dancers. Freestyle musicians (drummers, saxophonist)

Guest Servicies

We complete your event whit awesome guest services as aesthetic dj, bar-tendering, brand ambassador, social photography and so much more!

What we do?

We curate entertainment and  we design the perfect aesthetic to bring the right atmospheric all around your event and express what is inside your celebration, your brand, you.

We combined entertainment whit the best guest services to create a complete environment   

We are a talent agency working whit professional talents and producers.

We work for corporative and private events/venues.

Great emotions are never Forgotten.

Join The Club


06 December / Doors open at 23:00


In pulvinar aliquet fringilla. Mauris commodo justo eu dolor tristique iaculis. Proin sit amet velit iaculis, aliquet massa vel, suscipit ante. Mauris iaculis erat at pellentesque…

75 Bishopgate Street, SEATON, UK

06 December / Doors open at 23:00


In pulvinar aliquet fringilla. Mauris commodo justo eu dolor tristique iaculis. Proin sit amet velit iaculis, aliquet massa vel, suscipit ante. Mauris iaculis erat at pellentesque…

75 Bishopgate Street, SEATON, UK

06 December / Doors open at 23:00


In pulvinar aliquet fringilla. Mauris commodo justo eu dolor tristique iaculis. Proin sit amet velit iaculis, aliquet massa vel, suscipit ante. Mauris iaculis erat at pellentesque…

75 Bishopgate Street, SEATON, UK

About Last Night

Photo Gallery